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この度、みたか工業株式会社 4代目代表取締役社長に就任いたしました澁川 裕一でございます。
代表取締役社長 澁川 裕一
代表取締役社長 澁川 裕一
Dear valued customer
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your continued support and patronage.
My name is Yuichi Shibukawa, and I have been appointed as the 4th president of Mitaka Industry Co., Ltd.
Our company was founded in 1925 and will soon celebrate its 100th anniversary. Over the past 100 years, we have valued the bonds of our customers, partner companies, communities, and employees.
We have built today's management foundation by practicing the following management philosophy.”Exceeding customer expectations through originality and ingenuity, improved proposal capabilities, and improved product quality” I would like to firmly inherit that corporate culture and strive to develop into an even better company.
In retrospect, there were really drastic changes such as the Lehman shock, the Great East Japan Earthquake, the floods in Thailand, the COVID-19 pandemic and semiconductor shortages. Under these circumstances, with the cooperation of all employees, we will work to lead to better development by thinking together, sharing wisdom, and putting into practice so that we can develop in a good direction even in difficult times.
We will take advantage of this experience to maintain close communication with our customers and aim for further development.
We appreciate your continued support and guidance.
Last but not least, we hope our business will exceed your expectation.
Mitaka Industry Co., Ltd.
Yuichi Shibukawa
December 1, 2022